Friday, May 31, 2019
Graduation Speech: We Are Giants :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Sept. 8, 2008 Colossal corridors and mammoth Seniors greeted our frightened Freshmen. Though we clung desperately to our remaining drops of confidence from the circus tent of eighth grade, they evaporated under the sheer intensity of high school. We dared not poke our unprotected heads out to view this new realm, too terrified of who or what we big businessman arrest. Some of us, it seemed, feared our strange surroundings would swallow us whole. Fortunately, curiosity overpowered even the most paralyzing insecurity, and slowly we prodded our boundaries, cautiously testing our skills and talents. We joined clubs and teams that matched our abilities, carving a dance band of compassionate friends from the once-distant swarm. And backed by the support of these caring allies, we settled into the routine of adolescence.Until someone uttered those eight terrifying words What will you be when you prepare up? Of course, we had first been introduced to this ambiguous question while still in diapers, but always had brushed it aside with the thought, Ill decide later. High school, we discovered, was later. So we embarked on the tedious process of inventing our dreams. We scoured the career center, hounded our counselors, pestered our parents and teachers. We pleaded with friends to answer in our stead. Certainly, we knew it was our decision, but we had to try to get out of it, right? Make someone else decide. precisely there is one instant in everyones life when they explode from beneath that Xeroxed shroud of General Public and slip into the shimmering gown of Individualism. Soon we understood that to find our passions we must step beyond the tight, comfortable confines or our abilities. We were forced to expose ourselves once more to the vulnerability of trial and error. But this time, as we delved into foreign activities, we had the self-assurance to attempt the experiment. And so, amid the swirling waters of high school, backed by constant guidance from faculty, parents, and peers, we gradually formulated a future.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Stephen Cranes The Open Boat Essay -- Open Boat Stephen Crane Essays
Stephen Cranes The Open gravy gravy boatNone of them knew the color of the sky. This first sentence in Stephen Cranes The Open Boat implies the overall relationship between the individual and nature. This sentence also implies the limitations of anyones perspective. The men in the boat concentrate so more on the danger they are in, that they are oblivious and unaware to everything else in other words, maybe lacking experience. The Open Boat begins with a description of quad men aboard a small boat on a rough sea. The central theme of this story is about confronting Nature itself. The Open Boat is Stephen Cranes account from an outsiders point of view of the two days spent in a small boat. The correspondent is autobiographical in nature Stephen Crane was shipwrecked off the coast of Florida while working as a war correspondent. The correspondent in The Open Boat portrays the author. generally through the correspondent, Crane shows the power of nature and how one mans struggle to survive ultimately depends on fate. The character of the correspondent learns that the principles of Nature is episodic by accident or by fate just as life itself is unpredictable. Stephen Crane pays special attention to the correspondent, who shares the painful chore of rowing the boat with the strong oiler. While rowing, he contemplates his situation and the part that nature plays in it. All of the men seem to know they are helpless in the formulation of nature.their lives, at...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Queen Elizabeth and Annabella in Tis Pity Shes a Whore by John Ford Es
Queen Elizabeth and Annabella in Tis Pity Shes a Whore by John Ford Annabella, the female protagonist in John Fords melt, Tis Pity Shes a Whore, ultimately dies after trying to meet the conflicting demands that her brother and father place on her. While her brother, Giovanni, commands her to be his clandestine lover, her father, Florio, expects her to marry a socially appropriate man and bear a child. These demands closely resemble the real-life demands that Queen Elizabeth Is subjects placed on her because they simultaneously wanted her to fulfill their erotic desires, marry a politically appropriate man, and produce an heir to the throne. Fords play was first published in 1633, thirty years after the death of Queen Elizabeth I, but nostalgia in the late 1620s and 1630s drove peopleto circular a worsening political situation against inevitably heightened memories or impressions of what life had been like under the great queen (Morris vii Barton 724). While its not clear whet her this nostalgia for the reign of Elizabeth drove Ford when he wrote his play, on that point are clear parallels between the demands that were placed on the factual Elizabeth and on the fictional Annabella moreover, there are striking parallels between the responses to the two womens deaths. Both women were expected to forever remain objects of male erotic desire, and the characteristics of Elizabeth that evoked erotic desire in her subjects parallel the characteristics of Annabella that elicit erotic desire in Giovanni. Just as courtiers paid homage to Elizabeth as an ever-youthful yet unapproachable object of desire, Giovanni confesses to Annabella, The view / Of thy everlasting beauty hath untuned / All harmony both... ...bbory, Achsah. Oh, Let Mee Not Serve So The Politics of Love in Donnes Elegies. ELH 57.4 (1990) 811-833.King, John N. Queen Elizabeth I Representations of the Virgin Queen. spiritual rebirth Quarterly 43.1 (1990) 30-74.Morris, Brian. Int roduction. Tis Pity Shes a Whore. By John Ford. Ed. Brian Morris. London Black, 1992. vii-xxvii.Mullaney, Steven. Mourning and Misogyny Hamlet, The Revengers Tragedy, and the Final Progress of Elizabeth I, 1600-1607. Shakespeare Quarterly 45.2 (1994) 139-162.Promiscuous, a.2a. Oxford English Dictionary. 1989 Second ed. OED Online. Oxford University Press. 8 May 2005 . Rose, Mary Beth. The Gendering of Authority in the Public Speeches of Elizabeth I. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 115.5 (2000) 1077-1082.
UK Institutions Promoting Health of Ethnic Minority Women Essay
This essay intends to give a critical analysis of interagency working to promote the health of ethnic minority women suffering from domestic violence. The essay starts with a definition of health and then briefly looks at varying definitions of public health and how these definitions lend credence to need for interagency working in public health. The essay then looks at the social construct of community and minority communities (BME) in England and Wales, health inequalities and the geographical spread of inequalities across areas of deprivation and the spearpoint authorities with a brief intelligence on the social determinants of health. This give be followed by a definition of domestic violence and how the concept of culture, peculiarly in minority communities impacts on domestic violence and how domestic violence among ethnic minority women relates to public health. There will be a discussion on two models of health that can be used to formulate interventions which are relev ant to the needs of ethnic minority. The last part of the essay will discuss the role organisations can play to support victims of domestic violence and how the structure and culture of the organisation can influence positive outcomes and enhance fail interagency working. Finally, a critical analysis of interagency working will be given suggesting how services can be improved. Public HealthHealth as be by the world health organisation is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or affection (Bury 2005). According to the world health organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948). The term publi... .... The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 30 144149. doi 10.1111/j.1748-720X.2002.tb00381.x Rhonda, P. and Pittman, R. (2009) an introduction to community development USA Routledge. Blaxter, M. (2004) health, Cambridge polity pres s.Department of Health (2004) Tackling health inequalities the spearhead group of Local Authorities and Primary Care TrustsBartle, Phile WHAT IS COMMUNITY? A Sociological Perspective web publication available online at http// NIMHE (2003) Inside-Outside up Mental Health Services for Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in EnglandRoger Ottewill and Ann Wall (2004) Item 2 Models of healthand health care available online at https//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Personal Narrative About Me :: Autobiography Essay, Personal Narrative
Me I am sentimental, out-going, indecisive, understanding, curious, naive, lazy, and young. I want to be ... , well a lot of things, and suppuration is discovering what they are. I feel people cannot check up on the potential within, although there is no one to blame still myself. I look to others for approval instead of to myself. I aim to please it leads to approval. I dont like to discuss my faults I pity myself.I am weak in some respects, but in others I am strong. My life is a balance of ups and downs. With my extremes however, my scales never fulfill the word balance. The ups and downs equal a median on which I snuff it daily. I love those who understand me, who chose to come close to the fire, who stay long enough to love its warmth, and who know how to avoid being burned. I dont trust people easily. I dont throw around my heart. Ive lost love from my lack of giving. I regret this.I seize hold of things, always seeking support, a rock on which to lea n. I have tried God, boyfriends, and small successes in school and sports, feeling the title ill fortune rise upon my forehead when I slipped. Afterwards I tried even harder to bring myself back up, my recovery taken on the quickest, most unstable route. This explains how I fell so easily. The self-esteem I had needed to be constantly replenished and refilled. My source was not myself, but others, whose opinions mattered more than my own.I am passionate and at times fearless. I am everything, and I am nothing. I am ever-changing and unpredictable. I crave security but cry for independence. I am black or white, never gray. My actions may not reflect my feelings and vice-versa. I play the submissive female one minute and the aggressive female the next. every(prenominal) year I learn more about myself. The person inside no longer takes peeks at the world outside, but screams Look at me, see what Ive become, watch because I am coming Ive been through difficult times, but the odds are starting to lean my way I feel ready for any challenge that may arise.
Personal Narrative About Me :: Autobiography Essay, Personal Narrative
Me I am sentimental, out-going, indecisive, escorting, curious, naive, lazy, and young. I want to be ... , well a lot of things, and growing is discovering what they are. I feel race cannot see the potential within, although there is no one to blame but myself. I look to others for approval instead of to myself. I aim to please it leads to approval. I dont like to discuss my faults I pity myself.I am weak in some respects, but in others I am strong. My life is a balance of ups and downs. With my extremes however, my scales neer fulfill the word balance. The ups and downs equal a median on which I travel daily. I love those who understand me, who chose to come close to the fire, who stay long enough to love its warmth, and who know how to avoid being burned. I dont trust people easily. I dont throw around my heart. Ive lost love from my lack of giving. I regret this.I grab hold of things, always seek support, a rock on which to lean. I have tried God, boyfri ends, and small successes in school and sports, feeling the title FAILURE rise upon my forehead when I slipped. Afterwards I tried even harder to bring myself back up, my recovery taken on the quickest, most unstable route. This explains how I fell so easily. The self-conceit I had needed to be constantly replenished and refilled. My source was not myself, but others, whose opinions mattered more than my own.I am passionate and at times fearless. I am everything, and I am nothing. I am ever-changing and unpredictable. I crave security but cry for independence. I am black or white, never gray. My actions may not reflect my feelings and vice-versa. I play the submissive female one minute and the aggressive female the next.Every year I conduct more about myself. The person inside no longer takes peeks at the world outside, but screams Look at me, see what Ive become, watch because I am coming Ive been through difficult times, but the odds are starting to lean my way I feel ready for any(prenominal) challenge that may arise.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Study Notes
E7-2 (Determine coin Balance) Presented below argon a number of independent situations. Instructions For each individual situation, determine the amount that should be inform as gold. If the item(s) is not reported as cash, explain the rationale. 1. Checking account rest period $925,000 certificate of mend $1,400,000 cash advance to subsidiary of $980,000 utility deposit paid to gas company $180. 2.Checking account agreement $600,000 an overdraft in special biting account at same bank as normal checking account of $17,000 cash held in a bond sinking fund $200,000 petty cash fund $300 coins and currency on delve $1,350. 3. Checking account balance $590,000 postdated check from customer $11,000 cash restricted due to maintaining compensating balance requirement of $100,000 certified check from customer $9,800 postage stamps on hand $620. 4.Checking account balance at bank $37,000 money marketplace balance at mutual fund (has checking privileges) $48,000 NSF check received from customer $800. 5. Checking account balance $700,000 cash restricted for succeeding(a) plant expansion $500,000 short-term Treasury bills $180,000 cash advance received from customer $900 (not included in checking account balance) cash advance of $7,000 to company executive, collectable on demand refundable deposit of $26,000 paid to federal government to guarantee performance on construction contract. . Cash balance of $925,000. Only the checking account balance should be reported as cash. The certificates of deposit of $1,400,000 should be reported as a temporary investment, the cash advance to subsidiary of $980,000 should be reported as a receivable, and the utility deposit of $180 should be identified as a receivable from the gas company. 2. Cash balance is $584,650 computed as follows Checking account balance $600,000 Overdraft (17,000) Petty cash 300 Coin and currency 1,350 $584,650 Cash held in a bond sinking fund is restricted. presume that the bonds are noncur rent, the restricted cash is also reported as noncurrent. 3. Cash balance is $599,800 computed as follows Checking account balance $590,000 Certified check from customer 9,800 $599,800 The postdated check of $11,000 should be reported as a receivable. Cash restricted due to compensating balance should be described in a note indicating the type of arrangement and amount. Postage stamps on hand are reported as part of office supplies strain or prepaid expenses. 4. Cash balance is $85,000 computed as follows Checking account balance $37,000 Money market mutual fund 48,000 $85,000 The NSF check received from customer should be reported as a receivable. 5. Cash balance is $700,900 computed as follows Checking account balance $700,000 Cash advance received from customer 900 $700,900 Cash restricted for future plant expansion of $500,000 should be reported as a noncurrent asset. Short-term exchequer bills of $180,000 should be reported as a temporary investment.Cas h advance received from customer of $900 should also be reported as a indebtedness cash advance of $7,000 to company executive should be reported as a receivable refundable deposit of $26,000 paid to federal government should be reported as a receivable. 13. FIFO, weighted average, and LIFO orders are often used instead of specific acknowledgement for stock certificate valuation purposes. Compare these methods with the specific identification method, discussing the theoretical propriety of each method in the determination of income and asset valuation.The first-in, first-out method approximates the specific identification method when the physiologic flow of goods is on a FIFO basis. When the goods are subject to spoilage or deterioration, FIFO is particularly appropriate. In comparison to the specific identification method, an attractive as-pect of FIFO is the elimination of the hazard of artificial determination of income by the selection of advantageously priced items to be sold. The basic assumption is that costs should be charged in the order in which they are incurred.As a result the inventories are stated at the latest costs. Where the inventory is consumed and valued in the FIFO manner, in that location is no accounting recognition of unrealized gain or loss. A criticism of the FIFO method is that it maximizes the effects of price fluctuations upon reported income because current revenue is matched with the oldest costs which are belike least similar to current permutation costs. On the other hand, this method produces a balance sheet value for the asset close to current replacement costs.It is claimed that FIFO is deceptive when used in a period of rising prices because the reported income is not fully available since a part of it must be used to replace inventory at higher cost. The results achieved by the weighted average method resemble those of the specific identi-fication method where items are chosen at random or there is a rapid invento ry turnover. Com-pared with the specific identification method, the weighted average method has the advantage that the goods need not be individually identified therefore accounting is not so costly and the method nominate be applied to fungible goods.The weighted average method is also appropriate when there is no marked trend in price changes. In opposition it is argued that the method is illogical. Since it assumes that all sales are make proportionally from all purchases and that inventories will always include units from the first purchases, it is argued that the method is illogical because it is contrary to the chronological flow of goods. In addition, in periods of price changes there is a lag between current costs and costs assigned to income or to the valuation of inventories.If it is assumed that actual cost is the appropriate method of valuing inventories, last-in, first-out is not theoretically correct. In general, LIFO is directly adverse to the specific identification method because the goods are not valued in accordance with their usual physical flow. An exception is the application of LIFO to piled coal or ores which are more or less consumed in a LIFO manner. Proponents argue that LIFO provides a better matching of current costs and revenues.During periods of sharp price movements, LIFO has a stabilizing effect upon reported income figures because it eliminates paper income and losses on inventory and smooths the impact of income taxes. LIFO opponents object to the method principally because the inventory valuation reported in the balance sheet could be seriously misleading. The profit figures can be artificially influenced by management through contracting or expanding inventory quantities.Temporary in-voluntary depletion of LIFO inventories would distort current income by the previously unrecognized price gains or losses applicable to the inventory reduction. E8-14 (FIFO, LIFO and Average Cost Determination) John Adams Companys record of tr ansactions for the month of April was as follows. Purchases Sales April 1 (balance on hand) emailprotected $6. 00 April 3 500 $10. 0040 41,500 6. 08 9 1,400 10. 00 8 800 6. 40 11600 11. 00 131,200 6. 50 231,200 11. 00 21 700 6. 60 27 900 12. 0 29 500 6. 79 4,600 5,300 (a) Assuming that periodic inventory records are kept in units only, compute the inventory at April 30 using (1) LIFO and (2) average cost. (b) Assuming that perpetual inventory records are kept in dollars, determine the inventory using (1) FIFO and (2) LIFO. (c) Compute cost of goods sold assuming periodic inventory procedures and inventory priced at FIFO. (d) In an inflationary period, which inventory methodFIFO, LIFO, average costwill show the highest net income?
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Health Care System in Turmoil Essay
Is the health shell away system to twenty-four hours really in Turmoil? What are whatsoever of the major problems that health complaint is experiencing? What is the collision of each of the chosen problems on not just consumers only when also the community? What are some of the benefits and risks of national health damages? The health care system has been in a bad position for a while now. Not only is the healthcare system in a bad position, tho after the low-priced Care movement has taken affect there still several million citizens without health care coverage. This paper will be addressing these important questions about our health care system.The current health care system as we know it is in trouble. Health care is still an outgrowth and millions of Americans are still not insured and cannot afford to be. It is understandable that the United States has a lot more technology and cures that other countries do not, but the item that our health care is double the price of other countries is mind boggling. The health care reform was supposed to be the answer to all the problems with our health care system and though it was extremely helpful, the system still doesnt declare oneself universal care for all of its citizens which is a huge problem. For decades, health care polity leaders have focused on devil huge problems in American health care finance. The first was the coverage problemthat the fraction of Americans with short(p) or no health insurance was substantial and growing. The second was the damage problemthat total health spending was high and rising, although quality was uneven (Rivlin, A., 2013). These two problems remain an issue for our health care system.Myers (2013) states that coverage alone is not enough. Instead way on things like having providers that are acceptable, also the care genuine should be effective. There can be plenty of providers that are available, but how beneficial are they if they are not providing quality car e to patients. Quality and esteem need to be a goal for the Health care system. Some necessary changes were made because of Affordable Care Act. This was just the beginning and more step need to be taken in order to rectify our health care system. Renovation of the delivery of health care is necessary to make intermit connections in the chain. coverage will be a great first step, following access to high- quality health care, and improving patient outcomes and population help. Coverage has a positive concern when it comes to the community but as far as the consumer it has a negative impact.Cost of Care is the second problem that is cause our Health care system to go in Turmoil. Affording Health care has always been one of the main issues with Health Care in the United States. The Affordable Care Act was signed by President Obama in 2010 and was taken into effect in 2014. It has provided millions of people with insurance who didnt have it before but still leaves millions of cit izens without. Having insurance is a tax, if it is not purchased a fine will be added to the 2014 tax return. So somehow everybody will be paying out of pocket cost for health care. The cost have reduced in some areas and have increased in others. The cost has a positive impact on millions of citizens the community who now have health insurance. Like mentioned previously there are still millions of citizens that cant afford to have insurance so it has a negative impact on a portion of consumers.National Health insurance pose several risks. At least leash broad problems characterize U.S. health care and insurance (1) high and rapidly growing costs, (2) large numbers of nonelderly people without insurance, and (3) enormous projected Medicare deficits and continued Medicaid cost growth. The health care reform debate and reform proposals have focused largely on expanding the number of people with health insurance (Harrington, S., 2010). Instead of focusing on how many people we can get sign up for health care, we need to be looking into these important factors, because they are just as significant. Cost world one of the biggest issues, but also thealarming number of non-elderly people without health insurance. Sometimes diseases could be caught early on if middle cured and younger adults had affordable health care to get checked out. Additionally Medicare deficits and continued Medicaid rising costs. There needs to be more focus on these issues in order to begin to get the health care system where it needs to be.On the other hand, National Health insurance has several benefits, some of which have already began to take place. Mandating companies to provide insurance for their employees is a great example. According to Panning (2014) some of the benefits include financing, cost reduction, payment reform, quality and process improvement, and legal community and wellness. Financing referring to healthier and younger will subsidize part of the care of the less heal th and elderly patients. Cost reduction is pretty self-explanatory, decreasing the cost and evening out the rate of growth. Payment reform in the new Affordable Care Act will pay for outcomes and value achieved opposed to being rewarded for doing more. Quality and process improvement will include a quality indicator quantity and reporting as well as comparative aptitude research. Lastly Prevention and Wellness, investing and providing incentives for preventive medicine and wellness.Our health care system is unstable for several reasons. The Affordable Care Act was designed to provide not just insurance to everyone but affordable insurance. It has made a significant impact, but still has things that need to be worked out. National Health insurance policy has risk and benefits, benefits outweighing the risks. One of the great benefits discussed previously was the mandating of employers having to offer their full-time employees health care coverage. Within the next ten years the Affo rdable Care Act is supposed to make a huge impact and save trillions of dollars. Hopefully this reform is the solution to our health care systems problems and that one day everyone will have health insurance and doesnt get in financial debt paying trying to pay for it.ReferencesHarrington, S. E. (2010). The Health Insurance Reform Debate. daybook Of RiskAnd Insurance, 77(1), 5-38.Myers, C. R. (2013). Coverage is Not Enough We Need a Transformation of the Delivery of Health Care. Tennessee Nurse, 76(1), 1-14.Panning, R. (2014). Healthcare Reform 101. Clinical Laboratory Science, 27(2), 107-111.Rivlin, A. M. (2013). Health Reform What Next?. Public Administration Review, 73S15-S20. doi10.1111/puar.12091
Saturday, May 25, 2019
How are people presented in Vultures Essay
Both Vultures and Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful stack in a Mercedes argon postureed using stack. They both represent heap in some way and both include the people in distinguishable forms. The rime Vultures presents the people using the vultures. These vultures represent people of a certain kind. In real bread and butter vultures atomic number 18 real birds of prey, but in the meter they argon trying to represent the types of people. The poem, Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes, people are presented through the atom in society.Vultures are shown that humans arent so unlike to animals it is shown that both animals and humans are shown through their actions. It is shown that vultures are bad in real life because of what they do, but behind only the disgusting habits there is care shown. They appear to have care for each other and therefore this shows us that even though people do bad things, they still have some good factors about them. Both animals and humans are shown through their actions and imagery to show that they are caring even though they have evil within them. For example, it starts off with how the two vultures are picking the eyes of a swollen corpse and how they play out the contents of the bowel.This shows that they are grotesque and very evil. But straight after this, the vultures are shown to be nestling together affectionately and lovingly. In spite of the awful diet, the vultures appear to care for each other. From this the author goes on to show that even the worst of human beings shoe some touches of humanity. Then he compares the vultures to a commandant n Belson. He goes on to consider the issue a concentration camp commander shows to his family having spent his day burning human corpses, he buys them sweets on the way seat The poet remarks on the strangeness of love, experienceing in places people would not have thought possible.This is the same way that the vultures are presented whi ch links it in comparison to people the vultures are compared with the Nazi Commandant who preyed greedily and ruthlessly on people who were supposedly weaker than him, but could still show compassion towards people that he loved, such as his family. This is the same way that the vultures are presented which links it in comparison to people and the vultures are compared with the Nazi Commandant who preyed greedily on people who were supposed to be weaker than him, but could still show compassion towards people that he loved, such as his family.In Two Scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes, people are presented from two different sides of the society. It shows two drool custody and contrasts them with an elegant, lavish peer in a Mercedes. Its about two pairs of people meeting for a mo workforcet in a busy city at nine oclock in the morning. They are strangers and never speak to each other. They are only near each other because they are waiting for the traffic lights to change. The original pair of people are two dustmen. They are finishing their working day and going back to the depot. They are hanging off the back of the garbage can lorry and looking down at a couple in a Mercedes sports car. These people in the Mercedes seem the very opposite of the dustbin men. They are starting their day and seem rich, successful and fashionable.The poem makes dish outs of contrasts between the two pair and it seems to criticise the society which makes the differences between people so large. When the poets describing the dustbin men, it is often negative, dirty and cheap. For instance, their jackets are plastic, they are grungy, and he calls them scavengers. We normally think of scavengers as animals that live off whatever others leave behind, like vultures. And in a way thats what they are they are paid to take away what others put one overt want, but they do an important job and we couldnt live without them. The poet soak ups the couple in t he Mercedes in a very positive way.He wears a suit and her hair is nicely done, and their car shows just how rich they must be, but at the same time the poet also seems to criticise this couple. He says its like watching an odourless TV advert, so they dont look like real people and they sound too good to be true. The poet then shows us how two of the men are similar. They are the same age, wear sunglasses and have long hair. And of course they live in the same city they should be equal. This idea is made very edify at the end. The quaternion people are next to each other, but there is a gulf between them they are living in different worlds.The language in Vultures is very negative towards the people, and also has a strong influence on how the people are presented. There are a lot of pessimistic adjectives used to describe the opening lines of the poem, and also to present the vultures throughout the poem. For example in the first couple of lines in the poem greyness is used, wh ich farm the idea that it is a dull scene, but the contrast with the enounces sunbreak give a to a greater extent than positive effect. The poem uses a similar technique to present the vultures, for every positive point about them there is a different negative point presented. The metaphor, bashed in head, a pebble on a stem root in a dump of gross feathers creates a negative image of the vultures. Various enounces are use to create disgusting images of the birds. It says they picked the eyes of a swollen corpse. This is presented as an inhumane thing to do. The vultures are picking at the body of either a dead animal.After this the poet presents the juxtaposing idea of how the birds love each other. People are presented in comparison to the vultures using the example of the brutal Nazi Commandant at the Belsen concentration camp. The poem states how the commandant goes home with the fumes of human roast clinging rebelliously to his hairy nostrils. This emphasises the more nega tive side. The rule book hairy compares the commandant to the vultures as it is a description which also applies to the vultures feathers.The poem also says how the commandant stops at the sweet shop to buy a chocolate for his child. The poet uses the phrase tender offspring to refer to the child the word tender suggests that there is a close, caring and loving relationship between the commandant and his child. Therefore this shows the more positive side to the poem. The use of the word offspring, which usually refers to the child of an animal, links people to the vultures in the poem. So the poem presents humans negatively, with an evil side, but also shows how these kinds of people also have a more tender side to them, just like the vultures. It compares people with animals such as vultures. Overall the words used are both negative and then cost a positive point.Two Scavengers in a Truck, two Beautiful People in a Mercedes uses linguistic features to present people. In the first couple of lines, the colours yellow and red are used to describe the garbage men. These colours are bright and suggest brightness into their lives. The adjective used to describe the people in the Mercedes is elegant and this is repeated, which suggests the couple are boring as there are no other adjectives to describe them. This also emphasises on the word and shows that they are very posh and therefore quite snobby. This is ironic as you would expect the couple to have a better life whereas the garbage men are expected to have a boring and dull life. The way that the couple are dressed and appear is described using various phrase and adjective hip, three-piece linen suit, shoulder length blond hair & sunglasses, young blond woman and casually coifed. only of the previous suggest that the couple are superior to the garbage men.This is because they are modern and are living what can be described as The American Dream. The garbage men are described more negatively, the first one id referred to as having grey iron hair, hunched back and gargoyle Quasimodo. The word grey contrasts with the earlier colours but also suggests that he is quite dirty, the phrase gargoyle Quasimodo implies that he is ugly and compares him to the Hunchback of Notre Dame, who was very caring and loving disdain his appearance. The second of the garbage men is described the same as the Mercedes driver, however you know that they are nothing alike from other references and also because the two men are collectively described as scavengers and grungy. The use of the word scavengers suggest the two men are poor and the fact that they are garbage men emphasises this further.Overall it is shown that the garbage men are dirtier but have a more interesting life, whereas the elegant couple are shown to have the more boring life. One of the unusual things about the poem is that it doesnt have clear sentences, full stops or commas. Even the lines dont all start in the same place some lines start on the left, some on the right and some in the middle. This is done on purpose. The four people are together for a few seconds and the poet quickly notes down some differences. It also means that when you read it, you stop at different places, and this business leader make you think about different ideas in the poem, and what you think of modern life.The two poems present people in different way using different adjectives and linguistic features. They also show that people are not in anyway perfect in their actions and appearances. Therefore by these two poems we are shown that people can be both evil and kind and also you cannot judge a book by its cover. The two garbage men are referred to as scavengers with a low status, whilst the young people are described as elegant. The poem is set in what can be described as a snapshot in time, which is when they are waiting at the traffic lights. Although the two groups of people are presented completely differently in terms of status they sill exist in the same place at the same time which is what brings them together.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Eudora Welty Essay
The word determination is defined as, the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose. Will-power is, the strength or will to carry appear ones decisions, wishes, or plans. In the perfectly composition A skeletal racetrack by Eudora Welty, the main character capital of Arizona carried out the meaning of these two words throughout the whole story. She had experienced many road blocks during her journey, but she did non let them stop her from reaching the goal she had at the time.In the story, Phoenix is a very old woman who needed to go to town to get medical specialty for her sick grandson. She overcame obstacles that were both physical and mental throughout the course of the story. Her courage and devotion to her grandson showed that she was willing to go the extra mile to make sure that her grandson was okay. This was not only because she c ard for him, but because she loved him.Phoenix encountered many obstacles during her journey to town and one of the m was getting through the thorn bush. As she was walking down the course of study her dress had got caught.A faint caterpillar tread literary analysisLiterary digest Arising out of the ashes the phoenix came stomach to life again. In Greek mythology the phoenix is the symbol for idealism and hope. It falls only to arise and live again. The main character of Eudora Weltys short story, A have on Path, is much like this phoenix. She must overc agiotage 508 Words 3 PagesNever give up a character analysis of phoenix from weltys a worn trend Never Give Up A Character Analysis of Phoenix from Weltys A feeble Path By STUDENT NAME prof NAME CLASS NAME DATE Outline Thesis statement In A Worn Path by Eudora Welty, Phoenix capital of Mississippi displays odd perseverance in the face of difficulty, which ultimatel Premium 971 Words 4 PagesAnalysis of a short story a worn path by eudora weltyAnalysis of a short story A Worn Path by Eudora Welty. Lit.1 Characters Phoenix Jackson Is th e protagonist of the story. She is described in vivid colors, suggesting her lively character she wears a red rag in her hair and her skin is described as yellow, golden Premium 1151 Words 5 PagesCharacter analysis-a worn pathA Woman of Amazing Character Will-power and determination plays a major role when it comes to people accomplishing goals and performing the tasks they are given. When a person possesses these two qualities they are motivated, focused, will not give up easily, determined a grand with many other thi Premium 907 Words 4 PagesLiterary analysis on a worn pathLiterary Analysis on A Worn Path In A Worn Path by Eudora Welty, the protagonist Phoenix Jackson helps portray the theme that people will do anything for whom they love. Everyday people are going out of their way to make either a theoretical or literal journey to help someone they love. In the Premium 407 Words 2 PagesThe Worn Path analysisIn the story A Worn Path, there is a repetitive comparison between the m ain character and a mythological creature. The author Eudora Welty chooses Phoenix Jackson to symbolize through color, her appearance, behavior and overall journey a Phoenix bird. The author gives description to Premium 387 Words 2 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Worn PathIn the Worn Path, by Eudora Welty, the placement consorts with the time to create an environment which hinders Phoenixs progress but reinstates dedication and persistence into her journey. During the founding of the setting, the first description is, It was Decembera bright Premium 294 Words 2 PagesWorn pathWORN PATH Eudora Welty brings the story, A Worn Path, to life through the use of the character Phoenix Jackson and symbols. This story details an olden Negro womans journey to town, on a mission of love. Phoenix Jackson, an antique Negro women is frail, old, and Premium 914 Words 4 PagesA worn path essay 6A Worn Path Detail of an elderly Negro womans journey from deep in the country to town, the while on missio n of love. Phoenix Jackson, an elderly Negro women who is frail, old and has many handicaps, she lived during trying times and because of her race, faced many challenges while growing up Premium 862 Words 4 PagesA worn path racial prejudice is rampant and out of control In the story A Worn Path, Eudora Welty shows an old woman living in a time period where racial prejudice is rampant and out of control. Phoenix Jackson is a grandmother whose only motivation for living is to nurture her grandson back to health. The strength of love may make people do or say unusua Premium 997 Words 4 PagesA worn pathEudora Weltys A Worn Path is a story that emphasizes the natural symbolism of the surroundings. The main character in the story, Phoenix Jackson, is an old black woman who seeks out to find medicine for her sick nephew. This story contains a motif, which is the continuous walk Premium 1208 Words 5 PagesA worn path the modern short storyIn the modern short story, Eudora Welty clearly devel ops Phoenix Jackson as a main character who indirectly manipulates other people. Phoenix, as the vocalizer in A Worn Path holds the status of an old Negro woman who continues the everyday cycle of life. Although, in reality Phoenix is an average h Premium 665 Words 3 PagesA worn path by eudora weltyOrdeal of Devotion In A Worn Path by Eudora Welty an elderly African American woman named Phoenix Jackson picks a cold December day to make yet another perilous journey to a near by city to get medicine for her ailing grandson. On the way this ninety-year-old woman faces many obstacles, both natu Premium 985 Words 4 PagesA worn path essay 5Eudora Weltys A Worn Path is a story that emphasizes the natural symbolism of the surroundings. As the story begins, we are introduced to our main character, Phoenix Jackson she is described as a small, old Negro woman. I believe that the name Eudora Welty gives our main character is very symbo Premium 1346 Words 6 PagesA worn path a tattered trailA Ta ttered Trail A Worn Path by Eudora Welty, is the tale of the unstoppable love and care of a grandmother for her grandchild. The main character in the story, Phoenix Jackson, is an old black woman who makes a long journey into town to get medicine for her ill grandson. Despite the many ob Premium 840 Words 4 PagesEudora welty worn path, visit of charityEudora Welty The are only so many ways an author may sum up the course of a human life within just a few pages. Eudora Welty has the awesome talent of being able to do just this. In her stories Where Is the Voice Coming From, A Visit of Charity and A Worn Path, Welty uses the reoccuring th Premium 545 Words 3 Pages
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Marketing Law and Ethics Essay
Being respectable as a marketer has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. The negative advantages are obvious, all of which halt to personal and business gain. However, to say that one must act unlawfully to be wrong would be false. The provided statement is completely factual and is particularly applicable to marketing and, much accurately, business, in the fact that ethics are not, by definition, counter intersection pointive to profit, but whitethorn be beneficial to profit.Hypothetically, a marketer would imply to accept the above statement as bible in reference to the marketing mix, or rather simply, the four Ps (price, product, promotion and placement). The simplistic fundamentals of marketing and business, the marketing mix is essential to the success of a business and their respective products, so it is appropriate that it also be applied to some opposite quintessential factor of business in ethics.The first and arguably most important aspect of the marketing mix, price can pose kinda a few ethical dilemmas and has done so in the past. One example of this is price collusion or price-fixing. This is where a product or service is designate at an unreasonable price with knowledge that the consumer cant afford not to purchase the product or service. One such instance of this occurred in America when leading toy chain Toys R Us violated federal trade laws by colluding with manufacturers to keep prices for Barbie, Mr. Potato Head and other touristy toys artificially high. While it was unlawful, it was also an unethical act as well as a form of extortion.The second factor of the marketing mix, product, is also subjected to ethical dilemmas. Planned product obsolescence is a prime example of an unethical act in relation to product. This is where at that place is a planned life-span of a good, producing a product so that it will wear out inside a period of time, most often beyond its warrantee. To say such an act is unethical is to question how much disclosure of information is truly enough. In my personalopinion, it is a wrongful act and one that I consider unethical. On the other end of the spectrum, acting ethically and creating a reliable product would be just as beneficial to a company and its reputation, if not more so.Promotion can also be unethical. Attempts to persuade someone that a product is needed by them when it quite obviously is not is wrong, especially when there are so many influential consumers in the market. Intrusive marketing is unethical as well. Alternately, promoting a product responsibly and ethically can be quite beneficial to a business, particularly when the highest standard of moral conduct has been reached, which makes a business appear conscious of unethical behaviour. One example of this is the consistence Shop which is the benchmark in ethical business practices in Australia.Product placement is often quite deceptive. Some may consider the come forth of placing products on certain ey e-levels on a shelf as well as promoting impulse buying via product placement as unethical. Such acts are primarily taken for granted in todays consumer-driven society and are not seen as a disadvantage to the consumer, though some people, particularly parents, may be more vulnerable to this unethical practice.If I were faced with an unethical dilemma in my workplace I would have to consider a compartmentalisation of matters. Having done so, there is a set variety of steps that would need to be looked at taking before resolving the issue or issues.The outside factors of price deception, product deception, fairness and honesty may come up as being ethical dilemmas. These issues would make consumers view my place of work in a negative way and would need to be dealt with quite thoroughly. The reputation of the workplace and that of myself amongst my peers, family and the industry would need to be taken into account when acting upon such issues. I would probably have to mention it to someone of a higher authority though and help them to decide whether it would be beneficial to act upon these matters.The external issues of bribery and, confidentiality, are two other mattersone may come across in the workplace. These are both very real and very bare-ass matters that can destroy a company from the inside. I would consider taking the matter to the police if it were seriously affecting me personally or the company quite badly. I would also consider confronting the offender/s, though this is a very unlikely option.In all of the above cases, the options are quite clear though the steps that can be performed or should be vary. It depends on the situation as to whether one should keep the issues secretive and internal or the consumers should know closely the companys ethical wrong-doings. To ask this is to ask whether society would be better off if information is disclosed. On a personal level, one must consider his or her own reputation and financial and social well -being. It is a very complicated matter and one with no set procedure.The first issue I chose from the advertisements scrutinized by the Advertisement Standards Bureau was that of the Just Jeans advertisement. The ASBs decision to uphold the complaint is one which I agree with in some respects. The military group and Health and Safety factors are quite disturbing and are justifiably held up. There is an aura of horror in the description of the advertisement which can be distressing to fragile people influenced negatively by that sort of thing. It is also quite dangerous and gratuitous.The complaint regarding portrayal of sex, sexuality and nudity is quite around the bend I believe. Though it might seem a bit risqu to the untrained eye, society should have learned to gradually accept the aspect of sex sells by now. Soap operas, billboards and even teenage reading publications use sex, nudity and sexuality to market their various products and services, its become a way of life and t o deal against it would be to be taking on something much too dominant and widely accepted to be warranted.The Advertiser Code of Ethics is ridiculous in this sense, not taking into account the changes in our culture and the acceptance of sex, sexuality and nudity by the wider population. Having said that, I believe that industry self formula is weak in this aspect. The wider social acceptance of thelevel of gratuity an advertiser can use should be taken into account and as long as there are so few people setting so many rules, I doubt this will ever occur.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Gourevitch book review Essay
Renowned American generator and journalist Philip Gourevitch, presents his 1998 ardent and writeritative non-fiction upshot titled We wish to inform you that tomorrow we pull up stakes be killed with our families, stories from Rwanda. New York Paw Prints. The book chronicles the yetts in the Rwandan genocide and provides a riveting description of the authors travel to Rwanda after the genocide and the horrors he encountered. He interviews a number of those who survived the ordeals and gathers the information which he uses to reconstruct their horrifying stories and thus provides a notice of the genocide.Gourevitch has earned a number of prestigious awards as an appreciation of his highly credible and analytic book. The 1998 National Book Critics Award exceeds the number of numerous awards that he has managed to scoop. The 1994 Rwandan genocide brought this tiny country in East Africa into the limelight. Gourevitch made follow ups to the 1994 genocide and he gained interest in unearthing the information since he was not acquiring satisfied by following the happenings from afar. This prompted him to make a number of trips in a period of two years to both(prenominal) Rwanda and its neighbors.It was during his visits to report about the outcome of the genocide that he published his book. Most of the information that America and most of the western countries have on the genocide is in the first focalize accredited to Gourevitchs work. The author starts the book by describing Decimation which he describes as the killing of every tenth person in a population. Gourevitch goes further to describe how in the pass of 1994 a series of lotacres decimated the Republic of Rwanda (Gourevitch, 1998 p. 1).The author argues that even though the massacre was carried out with machetes, the rate at which it was carried out was staggering. To highlight the seriousness of these killings the author compares them with the final solution in which he points out that the massa cre was nearly three times deadlier than the Holocaust. He narrates how the government had adopted a new policy in which the Hutu mass was to kill all the Tutsis minority with the reasoning being that this would make the world a better place.What followed were cold blooded murders of the Tutsi minority with use of machetes (Gourevitch, 1998). Gourevitch adopts a rather judgmental and snarky tone that is geared towards those who made decisions that in one way or another led to the genocide. He also tackles the root problems that sparked the mass killings in this small country. The author in his logical thinking about the root cause of the genocide argues that the colonial history of Rwanda was a major endorser to the genocide.Gourevitch argues that the tribal rivalry between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority can be t waked back to the Belgium regime which colonized Rwanda. The author points out that Belgium itself was a nation split along ethnic lines, in which the Francoph one Walloon minority, ruled the country (Gourevitch, 1998 p. 58). The regime while in Rwanda fostered the minority Tutsi elites and portrayed the Hutus as a downtrodden ethnic race just useful as the workforce. This would obviously leave a bad taste to the majority Hutu group towards the minority Tutsi group.The extent for this hate was clearly highlighted at the rate with which the killings took place which the author says were the most efficient mass killing since Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Gourevitch, 1998, p. 1). Gourevitch presents this book in such a way that it is highly critical of the deprivation of intervention from Western governments and the United Nations forces, who he claims just stood by and watched as the killings took place. The Belgians and the French are blamed for their complicity and also the author portrays these countries as some that help in reinforcing their own senses of impunity.One of the most disturbing truths in the book that the author reveals is that those who had died knew they were going to die. The author tells of how it was announced on radio, it was in the newspapers, people verbalize of it openly (p. 18). This use of the media to propagate the killings is also to be blamed since it acted as a focal point in the genocide. Theda Skocpol a renowned sociologist and political scientist, tries to hug drug some light as to why violence may tend to occur in a political system.She mainly takes her ideas from the Marxist class departure in which she mainly argues from the rural agrarian and state conflicts. The author of STATES AND SOCIAL REVOLUTIONS A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China aims to offer some explanations by employing both the Marxist scholarship and recent fond science theories about revolution (Skocpol, 2007 p. 35). In her book she argues that France, Russia and China are all successful revolutions and even though they are quite a number of differences there seems to be a pattern that is distinctive of the three revolutions.Skocpol argues that a change in a social system will quite often lead to grievances and thus the emergence of group interests with the effective potential of collective mobilization. This as she points out will lead to the emergence of mass based movements that may have the purpose of overthrowing an entire social determine. She argues that this revolutionary movement will fight and in case it wins it will establish its own authority (Skocpol, 2007 p. 14-15).This can be paralleled to what happened in Rwanda where the Hutu had grievances against the minority Tutsi and thus embarked on actions that were geared towards changing an entire social order with the dogma that by exterminating the Tutsi people they could make the world better place (Gourevitch, 1998 p. 6). The author in this book tries hard to prove that it was a genocide and he even asserts his position on the severity of this matter by reminiscing of how he read that the United States had decided for the first time in its history to use the pronounce genocide to describe what happened (Gourevitch, 1998 p.7). Gourevitch in this book only provides antecedents rather that clear cut answers and therefore the satisfaction of the book is not quenched. Gourevitchs book is mainly geared towards criticizing the response of the international community in responding and averting the genocide and his anger cannot be hidden and this leads to him only presenting one side of the story instead of being neutral.The book is extremely critical of the west and the United Nation which the author uses sarcasm to depict how the Rwandans never thought the UN soldiers knew how to shoot in order to quell the killings but after a while they were showed their prowess in shooting dogs which were eating corpses in the streets. However, the atrocities that took place in Rwanda are still open(a) of happening anywhere else and considering the fact that they means used were not highly sophisticated just s hows how if such a genocide would ever take place again in the world then the results would be highly catastrophic.The author does a good job in depicting the genocide and his highly analytical technique of even going back to how the two tribes in contention, interacted leaves us with room to understand clearly how the genocide came to be. References Gourevitch, P (1998). We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families stories from Rwanda. New York Paw Prints Skocpol, T (2007). States and social revolutions a comparative analysis of France, Russia and China. New York Cambridge University Press, 2007
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Physiology of Fitness: The Body’s Acute Response to Exercise
social unit 2 As soon as you come out to apply swops begin to happen within your body. embody systems work together, to make sure that you support enough energy to per dust. Body systems respond both in the Short and long-run in resolution to wield. It is important to understand the changes that happen to the body as a result of physical activity. You stop for understand the Muscoskeletal, cardiovascular and Respiratory responses to example through this unit As soon as you begin to movement changes begin to happen within your body. Body systems work together, to make sure that you switch enough energy to perform.Body systems respond both in the Short and Long-term in response to perform. It is important to understand the changes that happen to the body as a result of physical activity. You will understand the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular and Respiratory responses to put to work through this unit THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FITNESS CONTEXT SCENARIO You contribute been ap agita teed as a Trainee Sports therapist working with the Sixth Form Sports Teams. As part of your role you need to work with players from the teams to look at the effects that deed has on the body.You will need to look at the effects of exercise in both the short and long term and conduct some investigations to show the players the effects that exercise has on their bodies. UNIT 2 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FITNESS ASSESSMENT TASK 1(P1/P2/M1) The bodys sharp-worded response to exercise SCENARIO As a trainee Sports Therapist you have been asked to conduct some research into the short term effects of exercise on the adjacent body systems (Muscoskeletal, nil, Cardiovascular and Respiratory System). You need to feedback to the Senior Sports Therapist with your findings. * appoint the MUSCOSKELETAL and ENERGY systems response to acute exercise (P1) DESCRIBE the CARDIOVASCULAR and RESPIRATORY systems responses to acute exercise(P2) * EXPLAIN the response of the MUSCOSKELTAL, CARDIOVASCULAR and RES PIRATORY Systems to acute exercise ( M1 ) start DATE HAND-IN DATE START DATE HAND-IN DATE UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT TASK 1 (P1/P2/M1). HELPSHEET range CRITERIA PASS PASS virtue P1 DESCRIBE the MUSCOSKELETAL and ENERGY systems response to acute exercise P2 DESCRIBE the CARDIOVASCULAR and RESPIRATORY systems responses to acute exercise M1 EXPLAIN the response of the MUSCOSKELTAL, CARDIOVASCULAR and RESPIRATORY Systems to acute exerciseUSE OF identify VERBS VERB PLAIN ENGLISH Describe Try to Paint a assure in words. Assume that the person that you are Describing to does non know anything about the area that you are describing. Tell them what you have learned. Explain Once you have described the subject, much you will need to transcend move on details and reasons why. (e. g. ) Once you have described Englands poor performance in the World Cup, you may likewise give some reasons why the players did non perform as head as they could. no. Learner Checklist(Steps to Success) TICK WH EN COMPLETE Learner Assessor TITLE The Bodys acute response to exercise 2 Paint a furnish of the effects that exercise has on the MUSCOSKELETAL system. Include the following accessiond Blood Supply, maturation in brawn Pliability, increase range of movement and Muscle Fibre Micro-Tears (e. g. ) Blood Supply increases to the heftinesss during exercise , this allows more type O to be delivered through the blood capillaries to fuel the muscles. recrudesce further details and reasons why (where appropriate) for the effects on the MUSCOSKELTAL system. (e. g. )Dilation of the blood capillaries occurs this allows more blood to flow through the capillaries.This means that an increased amount of oxygen and deoxycytidine monophosphate dioxide can be exchanged between the capillaries and skeletal muscle allowing energy production to increase and also to increase the speed at which waste is remote 3 Paint a picture of the effects that exercise has on the ENERGY systems. Include the following Phosphocreatine, Lactic Acid and Aerobic push Systems, Energy Continuum and Energy requirement of different activities (e. g. ) change magnitude movement during exercise increases the demands on the body for energy. The Creatine Phosphate system can provide energy for steep forcefulness activities lasting up to 10 seconds.The supply of Creatine Phosphate will deplete after 10 seconds however. 4 Paint a picture of the effects that exercise has on the CARDIOVASCULAR system. Include Anticipatory Response, Activity Response, Increased Blood Pressure, Vasoconstriction, and Vasodilation. (e. g. ) Heart Rate increases agilely as soon as you take part in physical activity. The feel beats more times each minute. This allows more blood containing oxygen to be delivered to skeletal muscles to allow them to create energy. open up further details and reasons why (where appropriate) for the effects on the Cardiovascular system. e. g. ) Vasoconstriction occurs where some bl ood vessels redirect blood away from areas where it is not needed. The diam of the blood vessels is temporarily reduced so less blood will flow to certain areas. For example, when Cycling less blood is needed in the upper berth body in comparison to the leg muscles 5 Paint a picture of the effects that exercise has on the RESPIRATORY system. Include the following Increase in Breathing Rate, Increased Tidal Volume. (e. g. ) Breathing rate increases as an immediate response to exercise as more oxygen is needed by the body to roduce energy. More breaths and deeper breaths are taken in order to achieve this. Give further details and reasons why (where appropriate) for the effects on the Respiratory system. ( e. g. )The immediate increase in breathing rate is partly due to receptors in the muscles and joints sensing the increase in activity in these parts of the body and move messages to the brain to increase the rate of breathing so that more oxygen can be delivered to the muscles and more carbon dioxide can be removed. USE IMAGES TO attain YOUR WORK INTERESTING UNIT 2 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FITNESSASSESSMENT TASK 2 (P3/P4/M2) The Long-term effects of Exercise SCENARIO To further your knowledge as a Trainee Sports Therapist, You have been asked to give a presentation to members of the Sixth Form Sports Teams to further their knowledge of how exercise affects their bodies over a period of time. Make sure that you cover the following as part of your presentation * DESCRIBE the LONG-TERM effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal system and Energy Systems (P3) * DESCRIBE the LONG-TERM effects of exercise on the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems (P4) EXPLAIN the LONG-TERM effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy Systems (M2) START DATE HAND-IN DATE START DATE HAND-IN DATE UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT TASK 2(P3/P4/M2). HELPSHEET GRADING CRITERIA PASS PASS MERIT P3 DESCRIBE the LONG-TERM effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal system and Energy Systems P4 DESCRIBE the LONG-TERM effects of exercise on the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems M2 EXPLAIN the LONG-TERM effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy Systems USE OF KEY VERBSVERB PLAIN ENGLISH Describe Try to Paint a picture in words. Assume that the person that you are Describing to does not know anything about the subject that you are describing. Tell them what you have learned. Explain Once you have Described the subject, often you will need to give further details and reasons why. (e. g) Once you have described Englands poor performance in the World Cup, you may also give some reasons why the players did not perform as well as they could. NO. Learner Checklist(Steps to Success) TICK WHEN COMPLETE Learner Assessor Assignment Title The Long Term Effects of Exercise on the Body 2 Paint a picture of the long-term effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal system. Include Hypertrophy, Increase in Tendon Streng th, Increase in Myoglobin Stores, Increased Mitochondria, Increased Glycogen and Fat Stores, Increased Muscle Strength, Increased tolerance to Lactic Acid, Increased Bone Calcium, Increased Ligament Stretch, Increased thickness of Hyaline Cartilage, Increased production of Synovial Fluid. (e. g. ) Muscle Hypertrophy The size and bulk of the muscles increases.Use of the muscles causes them to tear through stress. The muscle tissue repairs itself and makes the muscle tissue bigger as a resultGive further details and provide reasons (Where appropriate). (e. g. ) Muscles become more efficient at using oxygen as a result of training. More Mitochondria are produced in muscle cells. These are the site where energy is produced and if more sites are avail adapted then more energy can be produced and therefore the muscles are able to work for longer due to the increased energy that is available to them. 3 Paint a picture of the long-term effects of exercise on the Energy systems. Include I ncreased Aerobic and Anaerobic Enzymes, Increased use of Fats for energy. (e. g. )More Aerobic Enzymes are produced through aerobic exercise. These are able to breakdown glucose more effectively and efficientlyGive further details and provide reasons (Where appropriate). (e. g. )More Enzymes are also available to breakdown Fats. More body fat can be stored in muscles as a result of training. The enzymes mean that more fat can be used as an energy source, meaning that the athlete can compete for longer. 4 Give further details and provide reasons (Where appropriate) of the changes that happen to the Cardiovascular System. Include Cardiac Hypertrophy, Increases in Stroke Volume / Cardiac Output. Decrease in Resting Heart Rate, Capillarisation, Increase in blood volume, Reduced Resting Blood Pressure, Decreased recovery time and increased aerobic fitness. (e. g. )Cardiac Hypertrophy is when the feeling muscle increases in size. The cardiac muscle in the Left Ventricle increases in t hickness and is able to contract more forcefully.Like any other muscle, through stress from repeated training the heart responds by increasing in size. This affects Stroke Volume as the heart is able to pump more blood out with every beat at rest. In turn this affects Cardiac Output. 5 Give further details and provide reasons (Where appropriate) of the changes that happen to the Respiratory System. Include Increased -Vital Capacity/Minute cellular respiration/Strength of Respiratory Muscles/Oxygen diffusion rate. (e. g. )Like the heart muscle the breathing muscles increase in size and become stronger through endurance training.The diaphragm and intercostal muscles become stronger allowing the chest cavity to be able to expand more allowing more air and therefore oxygen to enter the lungs. Getting more oxygen into the lungs means that this can be converted into more energy. Therefore, endurance performers can last for longer USE IMAGES TO book YOUR WORK INTERESTING UNIT 2 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FITNESS TASK 3 (P5/M3/D1) Investigating the effects of Exercise SCENARIO You have been asked to collect physiological data from the Sixth Form Sports Teams to assess the effects of exercise on the players within the teams.Make sure that you implicate the following * attract Physiological Data to analyze the effects of exercise on the muscoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems, with carriage support (P5) * Collect Physiological Data to investigate the effects of exercise on the muscoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems, with limited tutor support (M3) * Independently investigate the effects of exercise on the muscoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems. (D1) START DATE HAND-IN DATE START DATE HAND-IN DATE UNIT 2ASSESSMENT TASK 3 (P5/ M3/D1). HELPSHEET GRADING CRITERIA PASS MERIT DISTINCTION P5 Collect Physiological Data to investigate the effects of exercise on the muscoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems, with tutor support M3 Collect Physiological Data to investigate the effects of exercise on the muscoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems, with limited tutor support D1 Independently investigate the effects of exercise on the muscoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems USE OF KEY VERBSVERB PLAIN ENGLISH Investigate To search out and look at the particular features of something. (e. g. )To search for the reasons why a team was defeated. This may be due to individual errors, a collective poor performance, a superb piece of play from the opposition etc.. NO. Learner Checklist(Steps to Success) TICK WHEN COMPLETE Learner Assessor 1 Assignment Title Investigating the effects of exercise 2 Use some of the following types of exercise as the basis for investigating. (e. g. ) Aerobic, Resistance, Circuit, Interval. 3 Collect Pre-Exercise, Exercise and Post Exercise and Physiological readings. (e. g. ) Heart Rate, Percentage of Maximum Heart Rate, Rate of sensed exertion, Blood Pressure, Flexibility, Spirometry. UNIT 2 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FITNESS ASSESSMENT TASK 4 (P6/M4/D2) review articleing Physiological Data SCENARIO Now that you have collected your data from the sixth form sports teams you need to conduct a review of the data, using the data that you collected to look at the effects of exercise on the body. Make sure that you include the following REVIEW physiological data collected, DESCRIBING the effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy systems. (P6) * REVIEW physiological data collected, EXPLAINING the effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy systems. (M4) * REVIEW physiological data collected, ANALYSING the effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy systems. (D2) START DATE COMPLETION DATE START DATE COMPLETION DATE UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT TASK 4 (P6/M4/D2). HELPSHEET GRADING CRITERIA PASS MERIT DISTINCTIONP6 REVIEW physiological data collected, DESCRIBING the effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy systems M4 REVIEW physiological data collected, EXPLAINING the effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy systems D2 REVIEW physiological data collected, ANALYSING the effects of exercise on the Muscoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy systems USE OF KEY VERBS VERB PLAIN ENGLISH Describe Try to Paint a picture in words. Assume that the person that you are Describing to does not know anything about the subject that you are describing.Tell them what you have learned. Explain Once you have Described the subject, often you will need to give further details and reasons why. (e. g) Once you have described Englands poor performance in the World Cup, you may also give some reasons why the players did not perform as well as they could. Analyse You need to SELECT the KEY POINTS and EX PLAIN each point providing REASONS for each point and also looking at POTENTIAL IMPACTS. (e. g. ) If you were looking at the performance of Barcelona you may pick out the key points in their triumph Money, Lionel Messi, Iniesta etc..You would then explain the contribution of each player and also look at what the club could do to regain the Champions League next season Review Provide some feedback. Maybe focusing on good and bad points that you have noticed. NO. Learner Checklist(Steps to Success) TICK WHEN COMPLETE Learner Assessor 1 Assignment Title Reviewing Physiological Data 2 Using the data that you collected from your participantsPaint a picture in words of the effects of exercise that you observed. (e. g. ) Participant A Pre Exercise Heart Rate 65, Exercise Heart Rate 175, Post Exercise Heart Rate 125.The participants heart rate increased as soon as exercise began. It reached a maximum of 175 during the continuous run. This shows that Heart Rate does increase durin g exercise as the body attempts to increase the delivery of oxygen to the working muscles. 3 Using the data that you collected from your participantsProvide further details and give reasons (where appropriate) for the effects of exercise that you observed. (e. g. )During the Warm-Up prior to the circuit training session, Performer Bs RPE was 3. After 3 charges on the circuit this increased to 5. By station 8, the score had further risen to 7.On the last station of the second circuit, RPE increased to 9. 10 minutes after the session had finished RPE was 5. This shows that RPE increased as the intensity of exercise increased as the performer was working progressively harder. 4 Select the KEY POINTS from your data and give REASONS for each point. (e. g. )Heart Rate increases during physical activity. This seems to assure with a similar rise in RPE. As the sports performers heart and other body systems are working harder the performer can physically feel this change and therefor e reports an increase in RPE.Consider Practicality of exercise activities selected, advantages and disadvantages, strengths and areas for improvement. (e. g. ) The Coopers Run doesnt cost much to carry out. It can be participated in around a battlefield or alike. It can be carried out in a relatively short time, with quite a large group of participants. It requires minimal equipment. However, when carrying out the probe it is vital with regard to reliability and validity that the distance which the run is being taken has been measured accurately. Otherwise, participants results can be false. USE IMAGES TO MAKE YOUR WORK INTERESTING
Monday, May 20, 2019
School Laws Article
in that location is a need for a teacher to be a good example and a role model to the students. This is the exactly way that the students will be able to improve especially when they are having serious problem. In this case, the dean was very influential and aft(prenominal) realizing what she had d unmatched to submit where she is, most student are probable to be disappointed and frustrated. Her resignation center that the students will no longer fight for their freedom and this is believably to cause anxiety or still protest among the students. In addition, the dean is guilty of false pretence, if the university sues her she is likely to pay them for damages.The reason is that for such(prenominal) a prestigious university to have such a case, the credibility of the university and its officials is likely to suffer as people business leader think that some of the professors who are teaching are non genuine professors at all. This is in addition likely to affect the educatio n in the administration and the number of people who are get winds it. It is therefore a plump negative publicity to the university. Article 2 The district superintendent should try to convince the PR coach of the importance of the use of the new technology to the students.He should try to convince him that a school is an institution that is supposed to assist students get useful fellowship so that they tidy sum become useful persons afterward on in their spirit. However, with the outdated phone lines and other electronic systems, there are detects that the school only wastes the students time. The reason is that the information that they are given is only outdated. This means that after they get out to the real world they will have to conduct again so that they can prospect in the partnership.There is therefore a need to upgrade these machines to assist the students. With such statements and such conviction, the district superintendent will assure the PR Director that even though they will spend a lot of money on this upgrade. This is because it saves a lot, as the students will no longer need to learn again. In addition, the new system will be more efficient and therefore more likely to give better results. Together, they should follow the right procedure and see to it that they have achieved their mission.Article 3 In a school setting, the first priority should be to the students. The only way to achieve this is to have the outstrip team of teachers and other staff in line. The best team also has some disadvantages and therefore one should be prepared for this. In the first case of the renewal of chiefs contract, I would also do the uniform case. I would not care about what people or teachers think of feels, I would still renew the contract of Superintendent Sandra Schroeder, as she is still very effective and competent in her duties.In addition, I would reinstate the four teachers fired. They are very competent and without them, there is a c hance that the school will go down. There are some mischievous students in every consort and it is not advisable to fire a teacher simply because she tried to sic these students. It is clear that the scrub has a great influence on the students learning. A sizeable portion of students failed to attend the classes due to the strike. What the drivers wanted are their rights. Everyone has a right to a better and a happy life and I feel that they should have that.I would therefore organize for a sitting so that we can negotiate with them and have solution on the issue. An instance where a superintendent can handle a similar situation is the case where a worker may be discriminated because the immediate boss does not like him. In such a case, the superintendent may fail the reason for firing such a person and may act competently. Article 4 It is necessary to understand that the students who are in school are there with the main aim of acquiring knowledge.These students happen to have d ifferent levels of knowledge and different personal attributes. It is therefore clear that there will be diverse personalities in the classroom. In addition, just because a teacher has some believes does not mean that all the students should have the same believe. This is the reasons wherefore there is a syllabus and some books to offer guidance. This further means that whether it is the teacher, the administration or the society in general, personal attributes or rather personal values should not intervene with class teaching. ain values and believes are not universal. They are unique from one person to the next and therefore if they interfere with what we are teaching in class, there is a chance that the teaching itself will be biased. There is also a possibility that effective teaching, which is the main aim of every teacher will not be there. Article 5 Campaigns do not come all the time and at the same time, they are very expensive. Proper planning for them should be there. In this case, I would first admit that this was a very serious blunder on all mails were sent to children.Secondly, I would gather all correct details concerning the parents and hire another company, which would send apology letter to all those parents whose children received previous mails. I would convene a meeting with the board members and explain to them what happened. I would clearly explain to them that the company we hire caused the mishap. I would assure them that next time we have a campaign, such an incident will not take place. To the media outlet, I would only give a brief explanation that whatever happened was a err by the company that we hired.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Consumer Behavior
What does the purchase of a carrefourion interchangeable Nike mean to Sunder Singh? Sunder Sing, alone escaping homelessness is clearly proud that he was able to save and bargain for a pair of Nikes. He could undoubtedly kick in purchase a distinguishable brand that would micturate met his physical gets as well for much less money which he does not asseverate wherefore he bought the more expensive Nikes, a reasonable interpretation is that they serve as a visible symbol that Sunder Singh is back as a successful. Sunder Singh is not Unique among low-income consumer in wanting and buying items much(prenominal) as Nike shoes.As one expert joints. The low income consumer wants the same harvest-feast and go few different consumer want. He points that selling efforts reflect those desires. An another(prenominal) expert state. at that prescribes this sort out that they dont prep atomic number 18 enough money for toothpaste and thats just not true. There has been som e(a) signifi pratce to them universe called lower income, but they do buy things. The working poor atomic number 18 constrained to spend a disproportionate indue of theirs income on ho exploitation, utilities and medical cargon due to lack of insurance.They principally relay on public transportation, they spend a little portion of their relatively small income on meals away from home and all forms of entertainment such as admission, pets and toys they spend real little on their own financial security. However Sunder Singh illustrated they spend the same perpenny of their income though a smaller amount on app bel and accessories. 2. What does the story say about our society and the impact of foodstuffing on consumer conduct? Society can exist without Marketing, but Marketing cannot exist without SocietyMarketing is the caution routine of anticipating, identifying and satisfying clients requirements. The various conventional marketing tools- advertising, branding, deport m arketing, gross revenue packaging, advancement & public relations. Effect of marketing on society, in breakicular on Vulnerable Groups Marketing and society, the commensuration of the twain words raises a few eyebrows, as it is luxuriouslyly debatable. On the one hand, Society thrives on the marketing efforts of the Companies, enchantment another school of thought argues that marketing makes the society more materialistic.Today, striking a residue amongst the two is the challenge faced by the Marketers. The society expects the logical argument to be ethical and desires incorporate executives, at all takes to apply ethical principles in other words, guidelines as to what is right and wrong, fair and unfair, and chastely correct, when they make c atomic number 18 closes. Advertisers are traditionally use techniques to which children and adolescents are more susceptible, such as product placement in TV shows, tie in between movies and fast food restaurants, to mention a few.Therefore there exist many marketing evils that lure populate to buy even when not required. slip III Star Airways 1. What is liable(predicate) to be the decision summons in case of choosing an airline? emptor decision processes are the decesion making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market action before, during, and after the purchase of a product or avail. More primarily, decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. Decision making is said to be a mental construct.This means that although we can never see a decision, we can infer from observable behaviour that a decision has been made. Therefore we conclude that a psychological event that we call decision making has occurred. It is a construction that im preparees commitment to action. That is, base on observable actions, we tire out that pile support made a commitment to effect the action. In oecumenical there are three way s of analysing consumer buying decisions. They are * Economic models These models are largely quantitative and are based on the assumptions of rationality and near entire knowledge.The consumer is seen to maximize their utility * Psychological models These models concentrate on psychological and cognitive processes such as motivation and need recognition. They are qualitative rather than quantitative and build on sociological factors like pagan influences and family influences. * Consumer behaviour models These are practical models employ by marketers. They typically blend some(prenominal)(prenominal) economic and psychological models. Consumer decision making is best summarised in the following diagramProblem recognition The need for new airlines Consumers of India received a problem with the product that is continueed by other similar airlines. The consumer choose product be yard of their forest and service. Information inquisition Surfs the internet to learn about air lines. View TV ad, hear from family members or friends. May read certain magazine when at home or outside Evaluation of Alternative and selection compares several airlines in footing of reputation and available features, Price point and price reduction offered free gifts. bargain for decision Choose on airline it has a feature that very appeals to him and buys it Purchase Behavior dissonance and complex evaluation. 2. Would this plan suggested by the vice president help in convincing the customers to use Star Airways? Give your reasons. Consumer decision making process is a list of steps that are carried out by consumers concerning to a potential market transaction, before, during and after the purchase of a product or service. The process includes identifying the problem, collecting tuition, evaluating the alternatives, making the purchase decision and evaluating post purchase.Information expect when a consumer discovers a problem or a need, he or she is likely to search for more information on how to solve it. The information search stage involves gathering information from various sources in order to make a meliorate-informed decision, it helps clarifies the options open to the consumer which may involve internal search Understanding customer needs is the keystone to Star Airways success. The most successful companies understand the value of their customers as they measure success by the amount of customers they serve separately(prenominal) year.Increasing customer base is a ending and a challenge that every follow must face. Listening to customers and researching the market go forth provide a federation with opportunities to capture an industry widener. Finding cost effective ways to meet customer get hold ofs are at the root of the challenge. Star Airways must face this challenge head-on while keeping the customer in the forefront of any action the participation takes. They must develop products that will appeal to customers and delimi t in new business. This problem solution will discuss opportunities and well as analyze an optimal solution.That will assist Star Airways in achieving their goals. The variety of successful strategies in use at once was in full display at the ATW Winning Strategies conference in Washington, where some of the airline industrys keenest minds shared their wisdom. Dr. go Pilarski, senior VP at consultancy Avitas, opened the conference with a controversial statement, the myth of overcapacity is an urban legend, pointing out that historically high load factors should push fares up. If airlines dont make money when they have the highest load factors ever, there is something wrong with their business model. He implied that airline managers over think of their strategies and fail to follow what he called Adams Rule Revenue peachy than cost equals good. The first thing to do is Dont be stupid, he said, adding a list of stupid strategies Dont hurt customers. No extreme yield management. No bad airline names. No adversary relations with employees. Do not have stupid business plans. Please remember you are in a service industry, he said, and try to avoid what former Continental CEO Gordon Bethune referred to as sky nazi confine service.He criticized nickel-and-dime attitudes toward cutting amenities, scoffing at airlines publicized moves to remove olives and pillows. You must cut costs in ways that make sense, connect to productivity. Cost control has to fit the business model, and must be related to productivity. The plan suggested by the VP Marketing, Anil Saxena, felt that the company needed to advertise its dedication to quality and reconstruct an image of being discussions with the advertising agency to launch a campaign in the near future.Advertising persuade the Consumer when a company wants their product to sell to consumers, they bowl over them a reason why their product is better than others. Advertising sells to consumers wants not just to their ne eds. People need a car but want a Cadillac. They need clothes, but they want Ralph-Lauren. When most people flip though ads the go fairly fast, and hence it must grab their attention. A good ad allows the reader to instantly recognize the concept being communicated. It sends a simple and easy message to the reader of the benefits they will get if they use their product.Cigar, cigarette, and alcohol ads in the mid 1900s persuade the reader that their products provide a beneficial and pleasurable experience. Case IV Mouse-Rid 1. Has Shobha set the best target market for Mouse-Rid? wherefore or why not? Shobha has targeted women for the product. She feels that women are the best separate to target because they dont like the mess or the risks make desired by traditional nobble set ups. This is a good marketing segment to start off with but there are a lucifer of things that Shobha could have improved on.First off, she should have plausibly segmented women into a couple differ ent free radicals. In todays world all women dont stay at home and take apportion of kids. In fact the population of women that do that is rapidly shrinking and being replaced by independent professionals. In effect, by targeting women that stay at home, Shobha is targeting a shrinking market. She could probably segment women into a couple different categories. For example working women, single women, house wives, etc. There are to a fault other markets which Shobha could target.Some other market segments that hold large potential for the Trap-Ease are market like environmentalist, animal lovers, corporate business and families. The Trap-Ease swipe trap is re-useable and therefore creates less of a strain on the environment which would make it very attractive things for environmentalists and people who care about the earth. The environmentalist market is likewise growing as people became more aware of global warming and other problems such as deforestation. Animal lovers would l ove the Trap-Ease mouse trap because it doesnt require poison or pose the risk of snapping disagreeable on a paw or tongue of a pet.Corporate Business would probably like the Trap-Ease mouse trap because of its high qualitymore futuristic image and the fact that it would create as much of a mess. They wouldprobably be less indecisive to have them sitting around the office. Families with kidsshould be the primary market segment of Trap-Ease seeing as it will probably be their largest. Mouse traps and poison pose a very large risk to infants and toddlers and caringmothers and fathers would probably happily buy a product which would better protecttheir children.It seems that the Trap-Ease mouse trap has positioned itself in the market as being a veryinnovative and well engineered product. It has done this by winning awards from tradeshows and magazines. If it is better able to connect these features of the mouse traps withthe needs and wants of their target consumers therefore they should be able to generate alarger demand. They could in any case try to change its position a little bit. Trap-Ease could excessively position the product as causing less waistline because it is re-useable o rthey could lower its cost and make it more affordable.By making it the mostaffordable, innovative mouse trap on the market they could probably gain some moredemand. Another way in which they could position their product would be by having an incredibly good customer service team that could deliver services to their customers thatwere having problems using the product. By having a good customer service team theycould build better relationships with their customers and increase their customer equity The marketing mix of a company consists of the four Ps Product, Price, Place andPromotion.Currently Trap-Ease save has one product, their mouse trap. They probably could create a couple different versions of their mouse trap in order to offer more variety. The higher price of thei r mouse trap seems to be undifferentiated with a quality differentiation outline but they probably could offer a wider range of prices on the different models oftheir trap if they chose to emit their product range. Right now they are trying todistribute their product finished stores like Kmart and Safeway. A really good market tohit would probably be the internet.People on in the internet are often clock into quality,ease of use, and innovativeness and dont mind spending a little more money to get whatthey want. It is in like manner a high profit market because it reduces transportation costs and thereare no middle man costs. The advancement of the Trap-Ease mouse trap seems to be one oftheir largest problems. They should promote over the internet for certain on sites thatthey think their target market will be visiting and they should also think about putting outads on TV. In this changing high tech environment magazine ads arent enough anymore.Trap-Ease Americas competition i s any company that creates mouse traps. They face amarket in which large volume of low quality low cost mouse traps are sold. There arealso poisons that are sold which are a insecurity to pets and animals as well as the mice theyare supposed to kill. There are also other versions of live halt mouse traps out there. An example of one of Trap-Eases competition is d-CON who offers both baits and traps. They actually also offer a version of a no touch mouse trap in which you dont have totouch the mouse after you have trapped it.They are selling this for 150 which is higher and so the suggested retail price for the Trap-Ease mouse trap which is 10 six times more expensive. This would suggest that Trap-Ease has priced lower then some of its competitors which will give it apricing advantage. Companies such as Havahart offer traps which humanely catcheverything from mice to voles and shrews and are competition for the humane factors ofthe Trap-Ease trap. Other competitors include Victor, JT Eaton and Riddex. The first thing I would do to change Trap-Eases marketing strategy would be to increasethe amount of people in their marketing team.Although Martha was probably trying tokeep depressed costs by not hiring anyone for her marketing team she made one unadulteratedmistake. One of the most primal things when coming out with a new product is themarketing because until youve communicated the benefits of your product to the consumer there will not be sufficient demand for it. Her entry into the market was toosmall scale and chances are that with such an innovative product that the company willdo better in the long run with a larger scale entry. She should have asked for a largerbudget and engage more people for the marketing team.She should have then put muchmore work into the Analysis of her target markets and perad gage expanded her scope oftarget markets while increasing the segmentation. This would allow her to betterdifferentiate her product. I would put in operating(a) controls and strategical controls in order to monitor the marketingteams progress and make sure that what they are doing is consistent with the companysgoals and strategy. These controls would very pregnant for gathering the informationthat would form the strategies in the coming years.It would also probably help to do amarket audit at some point during the first year just to make sure that things are runningsmoothly and it shouldnt cost that much to do one at such an early stage in thecompanies development because of the smaller volume of papers to audit. Summary Targeting The targeting should have been done within a broader demographic area. Slums, warehouses, go downs, docks, kirana shops, retail stores, restaurant, canteens and cold storages must be targeted for potential customers. The segmenting must avail wholesalers and the intermediaries too part from the retailers. Marketing channels like Toll-free numbers, newspaper, television, radio and mobile marketing m ust be used effectively to target MEN. Pest control companies must be primarily targeted and a joint venture can be planned if necessary. We should target to environmentalists, animal lovers and corporate business. 2. Does Shobha have enough needed entropy on consumer behavior? What type of consumer research should Shobha conduct? Shobha have no enough needed entropy on consumer behaviour. She should adopt the following entropy collection method actings DATA COLLECTION METHODS DESK RESEARCH OR inessential DATA Secondary data consists of information that already exists somewhere, having been store for another purpose. In other words, secondary data are those which have been collected by someone else and which have already been passed with statistical process, there are two sources of this data Internal sources this is data which is available within the company, although companies do not make full enough use of the information that is routinely collected. External sources t his is data which has been produce for commercial reasons.A key source of secondary data is the library service and most good libraries have a wide range of sources. Some government data is available free, other secondary data can be very expensive. It is important in a research project to know what data is available since this will guide the structure and format of the fieldwork in the primary data collection stage. It is come-at-able that secondary data sources can provide the complete answer to the problem under scrutiny. The least it will do is save time and money in directing the scope of the field work. It can also influence the choice of data collection methods used in the field ork. Primary entropy Kotler and Armstrong say that primary data consists of information collected for the specific purpose at hand. In other words, primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for first time and thus come about to be original in character. Once the desk research is comp lete the researcher will have a much clearer idea of The up-to-date and relevant data What data still needs to be collected to find a solution to the problem under scrutiny. To achieve the data and information the research teams need to answer certain questions What is it necessary to know?Who will have the information which is sought? What is the best method (quick and efficient) to use to collect this data? It is important to streamline the answers to these questions to avoid collecting a mass of conflicting data by inappropriate or inefficient methods. The two types of data are Quantitative Data As the term implies this is data which is expressed in numbers. Quantitative data is quite easy to collect, and a large amount of reliable and valid data can be collected largely by questionnaire in quite a short period of time. It is a fairly formal approach.This data arises from what is termed closed questions because the respondent is restricted in the choice of answer the respond ent can give. soft data soft data is obtained from convocation discussions or in-depth interviews and its findings are based on content rather than numeric analysis. Qualitative data is said to be much more subjective than its counterpart. Questions are open-ended and can lead to a free ranging and in-depth discussion on a specific point which provides a variety of enough data. There are no numbers or digits in this data and it is not subject to statistical interpretation.TYPES OF PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION 1) OBSERVATION Observation becomes a scientific tool and the method of data collection for the researcher when it serves a formulated research purpose is systematically planned and recorded and is subjected to checks and controls on validity and reliability. Under the observation method the information is sought by way of investigators own direct observation without asking from respondent. 2) SURVEYS Surveys are concerned with describing, recording, analyzing and interpreting conditions that exist or existed.The researcher does not see the variable or arrange for events to happen Surveys are only concerned with conditions or relationships that exist, opinions that are held, processes that are going on, effects that are evident or trends that are developing. They are primarily concerned with present but at times do consider past events and influences as they relate to current conditions. 3) experimentation Experiment may be conducted in lab or in the field. The researcher can trial run the relative sales appeals for package, designs, price, forward motional offers and copy themes etc. , by designing suitable experiments to identify cause and effect.The first thing I would do to change is marketing strategy would be to increasethe amount of people in their marketing team. Although Shobha was probably trying to keep down costs by not hiring anyone for her marketing team she made one important mistake. One of the most important things when coming out wit h a new product is the marketing because until youve communicated the benefits of your product to the consumer there will not be sufficient demand for it. Her entry into the market was too small scale and chances are that with such an innovative product that the company will do better in the long run with a larger scale entry.She should have asked for a larger budget and hired more people for the marketing team. She should have then put much more work into the Analysis of her target markets and perhaps expanded her scope of target markets while increasing the segmentation. This would allow her to better differentiate her product. I would put in operating controls and strategic controls in order to monitor the marketing teams progress and make sure that what they are doing is consistent with the companys goals and strategy. These controls would very important for gathering the information that would form the strategies in the coming years.It would also probably help to do amarket aud it at some point during the first year just to make sure that things are runningsmoothly and it shouldnt cost that much to do one at such an early stage in thecompanies development because of the smaller volume of papers to audit. 3. What type of advertising can influence consumers for this type of product? . The low cost of posters and handbills encouraged a numberof publishers to experiment with other methods. method were useful fo rinforming and reminding and reminding, they could not do the whole promotional job.Theywere used only to reach each consumer person-to-personly. The merchant still used personal persuasiononce the customers were attracted to his store. The invention of hand press increased the potentialities of advertising. times, posters had made their appearance, and simulated the function of fostering demand for the product. CASE VI Impact of Retail Promotions on Consumers 1 Why would some consumers have high-involvement levels in learning about this sales promot ion? A good rendering of sales promotion would be as follows An activity designed to boost the sales of a product or service.It may include an advertising campaign, increased PR activity, a free-sample campaign, offering free gifts or trading stamps, arranging demonstrations or exhibitions, setting up competitions with attractive prizes, temporary price reductions, door-to-door calling, telemarketing, personal letters on other methods. More than any other element of the promotional mix, sales promotion is about action. It is about stimulating customers to buy a product. It is not designed to be instructive a role which advertising is much better suited to. Sales promotion is commonly referred to as Below the Line promotion.Sales promotion can be directed at The ultimate consumer (a pull strategy encouraging purchase) The distribution channel (a push strategy encouraging the channels to stock the product). This is usually know as selling into the trade Some customers show high l evel of involvement in sales promotion is to know about the features product, competitors product which replace the same product, price and discount offered for the product. Additional kit or benefit for the product, and to know what the new arrivals in the market are. Customers will also learn about he stores and its goodwill by such type of sales promotions. Is a level of 75 per cent comprehension realistic among those who become aware of an ad? Why or why not? Results of the study showed that ad exposure was 75 per cent and ad awareness level was 68 per cent and was considered as high. Only 43 percent respondents exposed to and aware of the ad copy could accurately recall important details, such as the name of the store promoting the retail sale. Just 43 per cent correct interpretation was considered as low. Of those who could accurately interpret the ad copy, 32 per cent said they think to respond by purchasing the advertised products and 68per cent sad they had no intention t o buy.This yields an overall intention to buy of 7 per cent. The largest area of lost opportunity was due to those who did not accurately interpret the ad copy. The post-promotion survey indicated that only 4. 2 per cent of the target market customers made purchases of the promoted products during the promotion period. In terms of how the buyers learned of the promotion, 46 per cent mentioned newspaper A (Hindi), 27 per cent newspaper B (Hindi), 8 per cent newspaper (English), and 15 per cent learned about sale through word-of mouth communication. Do you think such promotions are likely to influence the quality image of the retail store? Explain. Basically, promotion is first introduced in the 4Ps of marketing. The four Ps represents the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place Promotion) and the promotional mix is the important term used to explain the set of tools of the business. This is applied to achieve benefit of its products and services from its consumer and the followings are (Advertising, existence relation, Direct Marketing, Personal selling and Sales promotion) On the other hand consumer behaviour is another important aspect in the retail business sector.Consumers are not always averageal/simple buyer. There are many aspects involved in buying decision process. They hold strategic shopping appearance at the time of buying a product or services from a company. The main find and objective of this research is such promotions are likey to influence the qulity immage of the retials store. such Sales promotion has a swell impact and influence on consumer buying behaviour in the retails stores based on Tesco retail store. Such sales promotion role has a great impact on consumer buying behaviour.It has a great and strong significance role on retail industry sector. Basically sales promotions strategies used as a short-term technique tool which principal objective is to influence the ultimate buyers to try a brand or change their mind to another brand. Sales promotion represent to discount a brand, it can be directly or indirectly, directly price reduction or indirectly through coupons premiums. But when the retail stores withdraw the sales promotion, then the normal price should have had a indifferent value and the result of this should have had a negative impact on consumer buying behavior.The study focuses the portentous attitude, perception of the consumer behaviour and it reflects the consumer loyalty on the basis of customer relationship management. Here the findings and analysis have discovered the vital reason that impacts positively on consumer buying behaviour and in the sales volume. consume and Problem recognition Information Search Evaluation and Selection Decision Implementation Post Purchase ProcessesConsumer Behavior2. What is the basic conflict between a fad, a fashion, a classic, and a trend? offer example of each. A fashion refers to a means that is true by a large group of people at a presumptuousness time such as skinny jeans. Some styles become classics, which are styles that become acceptable and in good taste anytime and place such as the classic black dress. A fad is a short lived fashion that curtly becomes popular and quickly disappears generally it only affects a specific group of the population such as low rise jeans wore by juniors.A trend is a general direction or execution as a style begins to be accepted such as the revival of high-waist jeans made from a light denim which also were worn in the 60-70s. 11. State some differences between the positivist and interpretivist approaches to consumer research. For each type of inquiry give examples of product dimensions what would be more usefully explored using that type of research over the other. plus assume the nature of reality is objective, tangible, and single, while the interprevisit believe that nature of reality is socially constructed and multiple, this should be used with products that are socially minded and include interactions based on technology such as social networking. Positivist have a goal of prospicience which is good when trying to create trend reports and in the process of product development, while interpretivist goal is of understanding, this would be most useful when analyzing behavior toward products already on the market. . What is the difference between an enacted norm and a crescive norm? Identify the set of crescive norms operating when a man and a fair sex in your finis go out for dinner on a first date. What would they break off? An enacted norm are explicitly resolute upon while crescive norms are plant in a purification and are only discovered through interaction with other members of the culture.When a young man and woman go out on a first date, if they are both from the same culture then they are following crescive norms, because they are both following the norms which are accepted within their given culture. If they are both from completely different cul tures, then they would be operating on enacted norms. What they would come apart would be obstinate based upon what is accepted in their culture as appropriate wear for the occasion. 3. Read the Article trunk Ritual Among the Nacirema and discuss what is going on.Consumer Behavior2. What is the basic difference between a fad, a fashion, a classic, and a trend? Provide example of each. A fashion refers to a style that is accepted by a large group of people at a given time such as skinny jeans. Some styles become classics, which are styles that become acceptable and in good taste anytime and place such as the classic black dress. A fad is a short lived fashion that suddenly becomes popular and quickly disappears generally it only affects a specific group of the population such as low rise jeans wore by juniors.A trend is a general direction or movement as a style begins to be accepted such as the revival of high-waist jeans made from a light denim which also were worn in the 60-70 s. 11. State some differences between the positivist and interpretivist approaches to consumer research. For each type of inquiry give examples of product dimensions what would be more usefully explored using that type of research over the other.Positivist assume the nature of reality is objective, tangible, and single, while the interprevisit believe that nature of reality is socially constructed and multiple, this should be used with products that are socially minded and include interactions based on technology such as social networking. Positivist have a goal of prediction which is good when trying to create trend reports and in the process of product development, while interpretivist goal is of understanding, this would be most useful when analyzing behavior toward products already on the market. . What is the difference between an enacted norm and a crescive norm? Identify the set of crescive norms operating when a man and a woman in your culture go out for dinner on a first da te. What would they wear? An enacted norm are explicitly decided upon while crescive norms are embedded in a culture and are only discovered through interaction with other members of the culture.When a young man and woman go out on a first date, if they are both from the same culture then they are following crescive norms, because they are both following the norms which are accepted within their given culture. If they are both from completely different cultures, then they would be operating on enacted norms. What they would wear would be determined based upon what is accepted in their culture as appropriate wear for the occasion. 3. Read the Article Body Ritual Among the Nacirema and discuss what is going on.Consumer Behavior2. What is the basic difference between a fad, a fashion, a classic, and a trend? Provide example of each. A fashion refers to a style that is accepted by a large group of people at a given time such as skinny jeans. Some styles become classics, which are style s that become acceptable and in good taste anytime and place such as the classic black dress. A fad is a short lived fashion that suddenly becomes popular and quickly disappears generally it only affects a specific group of the population such as low rise jeans wore by juniors.A trend is a general direction or movement as a style begins to be accepted such as the revival of high-waist jeans made from a light denim which also were worn in the 60-70s. 11. State some differences between the positivist and interpretivist approaches to consumer research. For each type of inquiry give examples of product dimensions what would be more usefully explored using that type of research over the other.Positivist assume the nature of reality is objective, tangible, and single, while the interprevisit believe that nature of reality is socially constructed and multiple, this should be used with products that are socially minded and include interactions based on technology such as social networking. Positivist have a goal of prediction which is good when trying to create trend reports and in the process of product development, while interpretivist goal is of understanding, this would be most useful when analyzing behavior toward products already on the market. . What is the difference between an enacted norm and a crescive norm? Identify the set of crescive norms operating when a man and a woman in your culture go out for dinner on a first date. What would they wear? An enacted norm are explicitly decided upon while crescive norms are embedded in a culture and are only discovered through interaction with other members of the culture.When a young man and woman go out on a first date, if they are both from the same culture then they are following crescive norms, because they are both following the norms which are accepted within their given culture. If they are both from completely different cultures, then they would be operating on enacted norms. What they would wear would be de termined based upon what is accepted in their culture as appropriate wear for the occasion. 3. Read the Article Body Ritual Among the Nacirema and discuss what is going on.
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