Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Had Someone Who We Are All A Product Of Our Environment

Recently I had someone say to me, â€Å"we don’t know who we are because we are all a product of our environment.† That said, the question remains: Are we defined by our environment and merely a product of it, or we posses the ability to make decisions despite it? The age old question of who am I kept stirring in my mind. It got me thinking about how I define myself and how the environment that I grew up in has shaped me. My first thought was â€Å"Wait a minute I know who I am, I think?† So I made a list of the obvious; wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, etc. Looking at that list I realized that those â€Å"labels† were just words used to define my relationships to other people. I have never really thought about the labels that define my relationships they are just words. I seldom thought about how the culture or environment I grew up in affected me or my relationships to others. I took these things for granted. Can we control the environment we’re born into? Are we supposed to somehow see beyond the culture we were raised in; The culture that compels us to act, live and think in certain ways? As a young girl living in the 1960’s era women lived and defined themselves by their marriage or birth to a man. As a woman you could not open a bank account without your husband’s co-signature. You could not start a business without your husband’s permission and a signature. â€Å"Most of the woman that did work were teachers, nurses, or secretaries. Women accounted for sixShow MoreRelatedIs Recycling A Glass Bottle? Essay1671 Words   |  7 PagesI grew up in a small, three person home in Chicago, Illinois. Besides occasionally recycling a glass bottle, as per our maintenance provider’s request, we did not recycle our waste. In fact it was not until I moved on campus at Bradley University, that I realized how important recycling was to some. 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